Travesties of justice

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Posts: 581
Joined: 12 Aug 2012, 16:13
They can happen from time to time, and we have all heard of celebrated cases in the press. Let me throw a words at you - Ruth Ellis, Gazza 1990, and Andy Dufraine. With me still?

I have today heard a heartbreaking story of a young boy who was wrongly pilloried in the 1980s for being an incarnation of the anti-Christ, and this took place not in some god fearing zealot republic, but in our own Western World. The United States of America.

Some of you may even remember the documentaries that ran during this period almost condemning by TV an innocent if troubled young boy called Damien, who was clearly neglected by his high achieving parents. I believe his behavioural problems were simply a call for attention, and don't believe he can be blamed for a priest impaling himself on church railings hopping over because he forgot the gate keys (if Alan Partridge can do it, so can anyone) or for an industrial accident where sheet glass slipped off the back of a lorry and took someone's head off. I find it suspicious that the HSE report into the incident was never published.

The boy was indicted purely on the basis that he had a filthy stare, and the numbers 666 were found beneath his hair. If true then surely this was a poorly thought through plan, very undevilish, knowing the statistics of middle aged alopecia would eventually betray his guilt if the head fondlers hadn't found it first.

But here's the twist. Recent advances in DNA reveal that the number of the beast is not 666, but 616 which begs a number of interesting questions. Too precise to be a birth mark, more in the appearance of a branding iron last seen in the holocaust, or in modern day farmery, I'd be calling in the Social Services to ask their family a few questions, like where the other 665* are.

I feel so strongly about it that I am going to open a crowdsurfing page to raise funds to clear his name, and hope I can rely on your support, to help fund my trip across the pond to raise awareness.

This could happen to you, so give me your money

*at least
Red Duke
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Looking at it another way, it could be 919. So what about the other 918?
Posts: 581
Joined: 12 Aug 2012, 16:13
I was told that the apologists would arrive, and arrive quickly but I can quickly bat back your shitty smokescreen. Young Damien had 3 sixes in his barnet, not 616 or there would be no doubt that he would be guilty as sin and deserve hanging by the neck til he was dead. Or a stake through the heart. Probably.

Unless you are Robin then an upside down 666 is 999 not 919, unless you give some generous leeway for smudging.

Think on
Red Duke
Posts: 2003
Joined: 20 Nov 2009, 09:15
Location: North West
I was referring to this specific point in your post.
SHANDY VOR wrote: But here's the twist. Recent advances in DNA reveal that the number of the beast is not 666, but 616 which begs a number of interesting questions.

*at least
Posts: 581
Joined: 12 Aug 2012, 16:13
Don't try and use logic and reason with me sunshine. This is the Robin's Nest
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