Moderators: Admin, Ralph, asl, Robin
I've never seen it but read about it in the past. I saw it was on a week or two ago and is on iPlayer now. Not sure I can bring myself to watch it. I'm always up for a post-apocalyptic TV show, film or game, nuclear holocaust or otherwise, but it's a real struggle to make myself click play on this one based on what I've read, which is generally great, but incredibly horrifying like nothing else.
It's very much a docu-drama and was heavily assisted by the Home Office. I'm old enough to remember the leaflet that was delivered to every household in the country, some of which features in Threads - like building a shelter using internal doors propped against the wall, covered by mattresses, and also what to do if someone dies. Worth watching for the breakdown of society and even of language - and will give you the willies like TWD never has.