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Jerry St Clair
Posts: 1877
Joined: 15 Aug 2011, 16:40
I read this and my initial reaction was the new SLO is an employee of the club and therefore relinquishing any pretence of independence.

However, on closer inspection it looks like the supporters’ voice will be represented by the collective of Dave, Chris, Ade, Kelly-Marie and Sam with Kayleene being the conduit with the FED.

Unsurprisingly, a creative solution from Murry which looks like it should work well.
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Broadway Brian
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Joined: 31 Aug 2021, 14:43
Proof will always be in the pudding, but great to see action promised and action taken.
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Posts: 3030
Joined: 23 Jan 2012, 18:55
good 'progressive' idea, a nice mix of people from different walks of life, I just hope this isnt allowed to be kicked into the long grass as time goes on.
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